New consumer trends adoption by generations X and Y – comparative analysis

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Aleksandra Burgiel
Izabela Sowa

Keywords : generational cohorts, consumer behavior, prosumption, collaborative consumption, showrooming, collective intelligence
The paper presents survey results regarding adoption of selected consumer trends (i.e. prosumption, collaborative consumption, non-ownership consumption, showrooming, and collective intelligence use and creation) by members of generations X and Y. We analyze and compare the frequency of certain behaviors representing the aforementioned trends and make an attempt to establish whether the two generations vary with reference to these trends adoption. The data collected from 576 generation X and 719 generation Y representatives via online survey confirm that there are significant dissimilarities between consumers of different age.

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How to Cite
Burgiel, A., & Sowa, I. (2017). New consumer trends adoption by generations X and Y – comparative analysis. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (117), 61–74.

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