The level of concentration and the financial stability of the banking sectors in Central and Eastern Europe

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Krzysztof Kil

Keywords : concentration of the banking sector, financial stability, CEE countries, HHI, Z-Score
The paper analyzes the level of concentration and stability of the banking sectors in Central and Eastern Europe in the years 2000–2013. The states were divided into sub-regions – Central Europe, South–East Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States. An overview of some current research and an assessment of the relationship between these variables in terms of time and area was presented. A statistically significant coefficients of correlation only for the banking sectors in Slovakia, Slovenia, Estonia, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Latvia, Romania, Croatia and Serbia were achieved. The direction and strength of the dependence between concentration and stability in these markets was differentiated.

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Kil, K. (2015). The level of concentration and the financial stability of the banking sectors in Central and Eastern Europe. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (110), 5–17.

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