The capital involvement growth in the subsidiary company and its fair value

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Paweł Kosiń

Keywords : recapitalization, fair value, shareholders management, dominated network
This article is given to economic units, which realize their vision of growth basing on capital group and network connections conceptions. Assets of subsidiary companies are shown as a long term investments in balances. Their value may be expressed, according to the valid regulations, as a fair value. The capital involvement growth in the subsidiary company has to consider several conditions of valuations principles, in accordance with shareholder management criteria. The analysis of the subsidiary company equity increase consequences in holder’s reports is the key problem. Two different situations have been taken into account in this article: the capital involvement growth without total equity increase (it means, by the takeover of other partners shares) and the involvement by new shares emission. In the first case, the network reconfigurations consequences on the field of economic value added creating ability are most important. In the second mentioned case, the profits balance between improvement of risk estimations of subsidiary company and the effects of the degree of financial leverage is treated as an essential criterion.

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How to Cite
Kosiń, P. (2015). The capital involvement growth in the subsidiary company and its fair value. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (110), 143–153.

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