Young Poles facing the challenges of the modern market: chosen behaviors and their determinants in years 2004–2014

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Izabela Sowa
Jolanta Zrałek

Keywords : young consumers, determinants of behaviors, changes of behaviors, consumer behavior
Young consumers’ behaviors are a subject of academic interest since several decades. The purpose of this article is to indicate the changes which occurred in behaviors of young Poles during the last 10 years, to identify chosen determinants of their behaviors and to specify a way of these determinants’ influences. The basis for drawing conclusions on this topic are outcomes of field research conducted in a group of consumers aged from 14 to 19. Those research projects took place in years 2004, 2006 and 2014, and with the use of auditorium questionnaire. The main finding of the analyses is that young consumers efficiently adapt to the challenges of the modern market. Symptoms of virtualization, servitization as well as a trend connected with healthy lifestyle can be observed. Simultaneously it is hard to indicate a constant set of determinants shaping behaviors of young Poles. Only chosen factors (e.g. age or sex) affect more than one type of behavior. Other factors, like place of living or parent’s educational level, influence only single behaviors and this influence changes over time. It also happens that an influence of given factor changes its direction.

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How to Cite
Sowa, I., & Zrałek, J. (2015). Young Poles facing the challenges of the modern market: chosen behaviors and their determinants in years 2004–2014. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (111), 143–159.

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