Relations between minimum wage and poverty, income inequality and unemployment in Poland

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Aneta Mikuła

Keywords : poverty, minimum wage, income inequalities, unemployment
The minimum wage is the wage policy instrument, entailing both economic and social consequences. Supporters of the minimum wage emphasize its role in reducing poverty and reducing income inequalities. In turn, opponents focus on its economic effects, i.e. increase in labor costs and decline in employment. The article focuses on identifying the impact of the minimum wage on reducing poverty and income inequality. The first part contains definitions and the economic and social functions of the minimum wage. The next section presents changes in the minimal salary level in Poland and its relation to the average salary in the years 2003–2014. The rest of the article attempts to assess the effectiveness of raising the minimum wage in combating poverty and reducing income inequality. The effectiveness of this solution is minimal, both in terms of the whole society, as well as socio-economic group, which should benefit most from these effects, i.e. employees.

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How to Cite
Mikuła, A. (2015). Relations between minimum wage and poverty, income inequality and unemployment in Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (112), 87–100.

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