The status of development of organic farming in Poland in the years 2004–2014

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Piotr Kułyk
Mariola Michałowska

Keywords : sustainable development, organic farming, sustainable consumption, foods derived from organic farming, conventional foods, household income and expenditure of households
Processes occurring in the natural environment due to the implementation of industrial concepts of agricultural development led to a significant change of the production and consumption models. The approach shifted to a more balanced one, leading to the sustainable development of agriculture and rural areas based on the combination of social, environmental and economic goals. Whilst ensuring an appropriate balance between these systems, there is an attempt to achieve balance within and between generations. The focus on organic food matches well with these trends and seems particularly important, given growing awareness of consumers and their willingness to best meet their needs through the selection of products with the appropriate nutritional and health parameters. Ecological product provides an opportunity to improve the competitiveness of agriculture, especially in Europe, enabling rational management of resources by implementing the economics of sustainable development. The article presents the status and trends of development of organic farming in Poland in the years 2004–2014. In addition, the structure of expenditure in Polish households is shown, including the level of spending on organic food against the background of the countries with the highest per capita consumption.

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How to Cite
Kułyk, P., & Michałowska, M. (2016). The status of development of organic farming in Poland in the years 2004–2014. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (113), 17–32.

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