Innovative food services on the example of breakfast fairs

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Anna Kudlińska-Chylak

Keywords : innovations, fair, meal, breakfast, feasting, weekend
Introduction of innovative solutions is observed in many areas of the food market and food services. Among the examples of innovations one can find breakfast fairs, business people breakfasts in restaurants, special offer breakfasts in restaurants etc. The purpose of the publication is to analyze new trends in the market of food services based on the example of the breakfast fairs. These include combining nutritional services, having fun and socialising. In a broader sense we can talk about eating meals in the open air, obtaining products from local producers and strengthening neighborly bonds. While visiting such fairs one can listen to the music, participate in workshops and games. They become increasingly popular in major Polish cities, including Warsaw, Poznan, Sopot. The research methods used were case studies and personal observation.

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How to Cite
Kudlińska-Chylak, A. (2016). Innovative food services on the example of breakfast fairs. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (115), 163–170.

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