The impact of direct payments for the structure of agricultural land area in individual farms

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Leonard Smolarski

The paper presented the impact of direct payments on the structure of agricultural land area in the agricultural holdings. The research included individual agricultural holdings (located in Silesian Voivodeship), participating in the EU- -FADN. The research period covered the years 2005–2008. It was shown that the largest holdings both in terms of the area and economic size received the highest funds from direct payments. Farmers with the largest holdings in terms of the area enlarges the area of their farms by purchasing agricultural land and lease of farmland since the beginning of the introduction of the direct payment system. The direct payment system contributed to the increase of the area of land used by the farmers, mainly by cultivation of arable land.

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How to Cite
Smolarski, L. (2013). The impact of direct payments for the structure of agricultural land area in individual farms. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (104), 41–54.

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