Intellectual Entrepreneurship as a Competence of a Modern Manager

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Barbara Wyrzykowska

The paper includes an attempt to present the most important competences of managers. It provides an answer for a question: who is an efficient manager? It has been more and more difficult to cope with speed of life and face increasing requirements of changing environment. It concerns especially expectations towards managers. This situation raises a question, which competences of a manager will get particular importance in the nearest future. The main aim is to present intellectual entrepreneurship as a competence of an essential role in manager’s work in the market economy. There were used sources from the literature as well as own reflections. Analyzed competences do not exhaust a topic although according to the author – they are the most important ones in manager’s work. Of course, they can be not whole necessary in different workplaces, however they can be considered as a starting point for evaluation of a potential and state of art within manager’s knowledge, skills and attitude. There were presented the most important competences of managers, which prove that managerial work is responsible and has many aspects. It was noticed that intellectual entrepreneurship is a competence of a significant role in the market economy. It was stressed that manager’s knowledge and skills are a part of important, strategic resources of particular company, which gives an advantage over other entities. The paper ends with conclusions.

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How to Cite
Wyrzykowska, B. (2012). Intellectual Entrepreneurship as a Competence of a Modern Manager. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (100), 25–36.

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