The Ability of Identifying the Economic Risk in the Financial Statements

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Małgorzata Białas

Investors making their decisions rely on the data in the financial statements. They seek there the information about the risks associated with the operations of the commercial entity. Such knowledge is essential for them, because the success of investment depends also on the degree of risk that a company is exposed to. Unfortunately, a chance of identifying economic risks in the financial statements is significantly limited. The meaning of the measurement risk is becoming more and more important in the financial statements as a result of the changes in the accounting rules. This paper is devoted mainly to fair value, as one of the methods of measuring values. The paper lists the advantages and disadvantages and also the consequences of using fair value method in financial statements. In the last part the author presents the calculated ratios on the basis of financial reports of selected entities. The results indicate the differences between the real values and non-real values as a consequence of using, among others, fair value method.

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How to Cite
Białas, M. (2012). The Ability of Identifying the Economic Risk in the Financial Statements. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (96), 115–128.

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