Practical application of selected panel models in assessment of financial situation in the agricultural companies

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Justyna Franc-Dąbrowska

The study presents models which were used to prepare panel data (estimation based on the classical method of the smallest squares, panel model with fixed effects, panel model with random effects). Panel analyses were conducted which were supposed to identify factors influencing revenue figures. Based on the statistical tests it was found that panel model with fixed effects was more applicable then the other methods of estimation (for analyzed type of data). As a result of analyses performed it was found that revenue is mostly impacted by cash-flow, level of employment and work productivity. Established variables improve the management process of sale.

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How to Cite
Franc-Dąbrowska, J. (2009). Practical application of selected panel models in assessment of financial situation in the agricultural companies. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (76), 31–40.

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