The financial leverage or bludgeon in aspects of investments decision in agriculture farm

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Joanna Bereżnicka

In article undertook attempt to asses the financial leverage and rate on equity (ROE) in two agriculture farms which differentiate with the level of cash and financing strategy. The elaboration deals with two types of investments: purchase of a cropland area and animals, which were supported by preferential credit from Agency of Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (ARMA). The conducted research indicated that the level of cash did not affected the level of obtain financial leverage, whereas it was necessary to take advantage from foreign capital used in farm activity. The survey confirmed that farmers should not postpone investments because it had negative influence on the level of possible losses

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How to Cite
Bereżnicka, J. (2009). The financial leverage or bludgeon in aspects of investments decision in agriculture farm. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (78), 237–247.

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