The currency rates interdependence on the polish currency market

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Jacek Bednarz
Stanisław Gędek

Keywords : currency exchange rates, Euro, US Dollar, Polish Zloty, VAR model
In the era of increasing global economic interdependence, the transmission of movements in international financial markets constitutes a significant issue for economic policy, especially in transient periods when the markets are heavily agitated. The literature on the transmission of movements between financial markets has focused the possible impact of Euro as a new world currency. The VAR model with current and lagged currency data was employed to investigate the exchange rate dependence between the Polish Zloty and two of the world major currencies, i.e. US Dollar and Euro. The analysis has shown that the EURO/UESD exchange rate determines to a large extend the Polish Zloty exchange rate to USD. This suggests that Polish Zloty is in informal monetary union with euro

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How to Cite
Bednarz, J., & Gędek, S. (2006). The currency rates interdependence on the polish currency market. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (60), 15–23.

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