Robust estimators of volatility in the Black-Scholes option picing model

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Justyna Majewska

Keywords : robust estimators of volatility, t-estimator, A-estimator, Black-Scholes option pricing model, standard deviation, median absolute deviation, outliers, influence function, breakdown point, maximum bias
Correct estimation of volatility of financial asset is the most important stage in option pricing. Financial time series have two features which prevent use of conventional estimators of volatilities such as outliers and leptokurtotic tails of data distributions. In this paper, we presented robust estimators of volatility testimators and A-estimators, which are required to achieve stable and accurate results. We made comparative analysis of option’s values on index WIG20 in Warsaw Stock Exchange taking into consideration following volatility parameters: standard deviation, median absolute deviation, t-estimator and A-estimator. The values of options were estimated by generally known the Black-Scholes option pricing model. Besides, we presented three most popular robustness measures and powerful tools of robust statistic for outlying observations identification

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How to Cite
Majewska, J. (2006). Robust estimators of volatility in the Black-Scholes option picing model. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (60), 219–230.

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