Modelling of the peri-urban areasapplication of the cellular automata and agent-based aproach

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Justyna Miklewska

Keywords : peri-urban areas, cellular automata, bid rent, neighborhood, agents
In this paper author described methodology of ongoing research projects. The first project is financed by German Ministry of Education and Research, entitled “Integrated catchment management and risk-based resource allocation in urban and peri-urban areas”. The second is an inner grant in Agricultural University in Szczecin, No BW/HE/03/03. The study area is a periurban area located at GSR (The Great Stuttgart Region). A rapidly growing changes resulting from many different driving forces can be observed in this region. The main driving forces were identified as inner and outer dynamics, changing functions of the urban, decreasing the significance of the city centers. Author introduced cellular automata models and agent-based approach. Cellular automata types, neighborhood, cellular automata states, bid rent, and externalities were defined. The equation for total externalities was drawn out

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How to Cite
Miklewska, J. (2006). Modelling of the peri-urban areasapplication of the cellular automata and agent-based aproach. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (60), 259–268.

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