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Alicja Antonowicz

The paper aims to analyze the possibility of applying franchising to finance activities of companies in Poland. It argues that one of the alternatives to commonly used external capital sources, which are often expensive and hard to gain, is franchising. It is a form of cooperation between legally and organizationally independent companies, from which one is the franchisor and the other one is the franchisee. The main issue of a franchise agreement is gaining, in exchange of agreed amount of money, entitlement of the franchisee to use the name, the brand and the knowledge of running a business of the franchisor. Franchising is recognized as an attractive source of financing for the both sides of the agreement. For the franchisor it means no assets in market expansion, for the franchisee it is the way to limit the costs of running a business

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How to Cite
Antonowicz, A. (2008). APPLYING FRANCHISING TO FINANCE ACTIVITIES OF COMPANIES IN POLAND. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (66), 73–83.

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