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Ewa Stawicka

Conception of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) it is known not enough relatively, however, it swindles meanings, particularly when in day of technological progress and necessity of cooperation of different group of economic subject exists complicated global economic system. Interest grows theme permanently, because all people should be conscious, that taking care of behaviour of balance in economic sphere equal (economic growth), social (correction quality life) and is common duty ecological (environmental protection). Besides, application of CSR, it effects competitiveness. It allows to improve products, that is effective greatest satisfaction and loyalty of client. This boost of sale gives in effect and obtainment of competitive superiority from above mentioned aspects

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How to Cite
Stawicka, E. (2008). CONCEPTION OF CORPORATE RESPONSIBILITY IN AGRICULTURE. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (68), 17–27.

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