The nutritional status of households during the transformation period and its assessment in the opinion of inhabitants of the lubelskie voivodeship

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Marzena Jeżewska-Zychowicz

The results of empirical studies conducted with the use of the questionnaire survey method in 1994 in the lubelskie voivodeship among 600 households show that during the last 5 years in more than half of the households surveyed changes in their nutritional status took place, quite often (46.0%) leading to a decrease of the degree in which the family’s nutritional needs are satisfied. Together with the increase in level of education and the growth of income per capita these changes were more positively evaluated, while together with the increase of age more negative opinions regarded the changes as well as the current nutritional status. The degree of satisfaction regarding the current nutritional status of households is moderate (the average was 3.20 in a 5-degree evaluation scale) and is a function of the current nutritional status assessment, changes which took place in the last 5 years and the age of the respondent.

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How to Cite
Jeżewska-Zychowicz, M. (1998). The nutritional status of households during the transformation period and its assessment in the opinion of inhabitants of the lubelskie voivodeship. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (32), 101–115.

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