The Level and Differentiation of Income Obtained by Agricultural Holdings Users

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Stanisław Stańko
Arkadiusz Gralak


A very different income level and income structure were observed among the population operating agricultural holdings in 1996. Agricultural production on farms with the highest earnings brought gross income that was 106 times higher than on farms with the lowest earnings. Gross income per member of the family was 53 times higher, respectively. Incomes from farming in 1996 constituted only 44.4 per cent of disposable incomes of agricultural population. Farm incomes were completed by retirement and other kinds of pensions (27.4 per cent), incomes from off-farm employment (22.4 per cent), earnings from non-farm activity (2.1 per cent) and gains from other sources (1.1 per cent). Incomes obtained outside forming relieve fall in incomes of agricultural holding users and in result improve income disproportion among agricultural population. The ratio of the highest gross disposable income level to the lowest one between selected groups was at 17. When this income was referred to one person, the ratio was at 8.6. The outcome of analysis presents that 42 per cent of investigated farms generated their main income from agricultural production, 31 per cent - from retirement benefits and pensions, 24 per cent - from wages and 3 per cent - from other resources. The self-employed in non-agricultural activities were in the most favourable economic situation.

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How to Cite
Stańko, S., & Gralak, A. (1998). The Level and Differentiation of Income Obtained by Agricultural Holdings Users. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (33), 5–19.

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