More Difficult Activating Methods for Teaching Students

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Hanna Hamer

In this paper there was given detailed description of more complex activating methods for teaching students, such as case study method, role playing method and simulation games. Precise instructions for tutors and students were supported by examples of adapting each reviewed method to practice. Presented simulation game "Tommy's cake" (Gerke, Robler 1997) has been supplemented by materials to be applied in the didactic process. Reviewed methods constitute starting point of elaborating by academic teachers their own methodical proposals that will make education more interesting. Author shows ways of inducing both teaching and learning pleasant as well as study effects - permanent.

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How to Cite
Hamer, H. (1998). More Difficult Activating Methods for Teaching Students. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (33), 109–121.

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