Changes in Organisation and Economics of Fruit Farms in Poland

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Andrzej Bernacki

In Poland, principle changes in organisation and economics of pomicultural production according to the exchange and reduction of apple varieties, utilization of chemicals to disease and pest control of orchards were initiated by professor Sz. A Pieniążek after the World War II. Successive changes in Polish fruit-growing sector were introduced in the seventies. They related to the number of grown fruit trees per 1 hectare of the area. Fruit-growers in Western European states, for example in Jork near Hamburg and in the Netherlands, started growing apples with density up to 10,000 trees per 1 hectare. However, the number of trees under consideration is open to discussion and is not generally accepted. In Poland, above mentioned changes were inspired by professor E. Makosz and were directly connected with apple varieties exchange. This process was accelerated by consequences of frost the trees were injured with in 1986 as well as by introducing market economy. Modern pomiculture is high capital intensive and more often undertaken by learning fruit-growers who can use credits, particularly preferential ones. Data reported in the paper suggests that pomological production may be profitable.

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How to Cite
Bernacki, A. (1998). Changes in Organisation and Economics of Fruit Farms in Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (34), 111–124.

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