The Methods of Estimation of the Value of Non-market Services Rendered for Households
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The estimation of the value of non-market services rendered for households is very important aspect in practical and analytical terms, particularly for economic and social studies. The imputed value of the unpaid work made within the household can be used for the determination of private consumption of goods and services, which influences the level of gross national income. Studies on the value of non-market services rendered for households in Poland with the use of two methods (simple and on the rate basis methods respectively) showed that this value is close to the average monthly wage in Poland. Simultaneously, this value constitutes about 25 per cent of private consumption of goods and services, both market and non-market, as well as 22 per cent of gross national income.
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How to Cite
Mikuta, B. (2002). The Methods of Estimation of the Value of Non-market Services Rendered for Households. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (47), 121–129.
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