Spatiality of Economy and Regional Policy

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Urszula Kuśmierz-Gozdalik

Significant achievements in research concerned spatial character of economy are attributed to Thunen, Weber, Predohlw, Palander, Christaller, Losch and Isard. The latter initiated the new trend of economy - regional science, which accentuates the urban, demographic, social, cultural, political and environmental problems in spatial economy of regions. He also implemented mathematical methods to its analysis and planning. Present performance of Polish regions reveals many elements of chaos. Reach regions neighbour the poor being backward in civilization terms. The only way to their recovery is an active participation both of local self- governments and rural community in the development process. More detailed analysis of strengths and weaknesses of the region, as well as evaluation of chances offered by macro-surroundings seems to be necessary. Reasonable plan of development makes the progress possible. It helps to shape spatial order, to improve living and working conditions, through multifunctional commune's development. Additionally, it can stimulate real estate market, create permanent comparative advantages, and have considerable influence on the level of budget revenues.

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How to Cite
Kuśmierz-Gozdalik, U. (2003). Spatiality of Economy and Regional Policy. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (48), 21–34.

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