Zachowania i postawy konsumentów wobec nowych produktów jako podstawa segmentacji

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Kornelia Karcz

Effective actions undertaken by marketing-oriented enterprises should be preceded by market segmentation. Market segmentation can be carried out on the basis of either the features or of the reactions of consumers. In the behavioral approach the reactions of consumers regarding new products is one of the basis for market segment identification. The theoretical basis in this case is the innovation diffusion model which differentiates the following groups of consumers: innovators, early imitators, the early and late majority and stragglers. During primary research the characteristics of consumers in relation to their reaction towards new products were identified. New ways of using consumer behaviour science regarding the innovation diffusion process in the developing of marketing strategies and selecting marketing-mix instruments were presented.

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Jak cytować
Karcz, K. (1998). Zachowania i postawy konsumentów wobec nowych produktów jako podstawa segmentacji. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (32), 91–99.

E.M. Rogers: Diffusion of Innovations. The Free Press, New York 1983.

K. Karcz: Proces dyfuzji innowacji - podejście marketingowe. AB, Katowice 1997.

L. Garbarski, I. Rutkowski, W. Wrzosek: Marketing. Punkt zwrotny nowoczesnej firmy. PWE, Warszawa 1996



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