Istota i funkcje rolnictwa zrównoważonego na tle innych form rolnictwa alternatywnego

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Stanisław Paszkowski

The paper gives the presentation of idea of sustainable agriculture in contradiction to both integrated and ecological agriculture. Moreover, the evolution of concept of sustainable development and sustainable agriculture together with the principles for the Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development (SARD) according to Agenda 21 were described. The notion of sustainable agriculture essentially differs from the concepts of ecological agriculture and integrated agriculture. The term of sustainable agriculture is not defined in respect to used technologies and encompasses such goals as enhancement of means of earning opportunities and sources of income for rural population as well as rational management of resources in agriculture. Its principles relate to the management both of agricultural resources and rural areas at the local, regional, national and international levels. Furthermore, it is the responsibility of the governments and: international organisations to adopt these principles in practice.

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Jak cytować
Paszkowski, S. (2000). Istota i funkcje rolnictwa zrównoważonego na tle innych form rolnictwa alternatywnego. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (40), 63–80.

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