Product innovativeness of industrial enterprises on the food market

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Iwona Kowalczuk

In the article the problem of product innovations in the food sector was described. In the first part, based on the literature data, chosen definitions and classifications of new products were presented, particularly taken into consideration food products. In the second part, the results of the Central Statistical Offi ce (GUS) researches about product innovativeness in industrial enterprises manufacturing food products and beverages were presented. In the third chapter of the article, based on the results of the questionnaire research carried out on the sample of 149 enterprises, the main directions of product innovations on the food marked were presented. The results of both the desk and the field researches indicate that the low level of innovativeness is characteristic for food sector in Poland and that the main trends of food product changes are: changes in appearance of products and packages, improvement of health proprieties of food, changes of taste, and improvement of the comfort of products use.

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How to Cite
Kowalczuk, I. (2009). Product innovativeness of industrial enterprises on the food market. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (75), 63–77.

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