Towarowość a wyniki produkcyjne i ekonomiczne gospodarstw rolniczych

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Barbara Gołębiewska

This paper shows main outcomes of the study conducted in the framework of Grant financed by State Committee for Scientific Research (KBN) in individual farms, which carry out farm accounts for Institute of Agricultural Economics and Food Economy (IERiGŻ). The paper has concerned with the diversification in relation to both organisation and productional and economic results between private agricultural holdings distinguished according to production types and the level of commercial output. Furthermore, the factors influencing the level of farm income generated by these holdings have been presented. It is found that the more commercial are farms, the better is economic situation of farm families and the more modem are agricultural holdings. Increasing degree of farm commerciality is resulting in its modernisation, development and greater opportunity to produce income by agricultural household.

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Jak cytować
Gołębiewska, B. (2000). Towarowość a wyniki produkcyjne i ekonomiczne gospodarstw rolniczych. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (39), 87–97.

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