Price and readiness to pay for specific ecological products on the example of the inhabitants of the Lubuskie Voivodeship

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Piotr Kułyk
Mariola Michałowska

Keywords : green products, price, household income and expenditure of households, readiness to pay
The development of the organic food market has resulted from, among others, an increasing consumer awareness of healthy eating, caring for their loved ones, as well as the spread of information on exceedances regarding the level of pesticides in food, standards of dioxins in meat and many other toxic chemicals. Noteworthy is also the increasing availability of organic food. An increasing number of stores have in their range of products food from organic farming, which in effect affects the increase in demand for this type of food. Consumer behaviour regarding organic products is determined not only by increasing ecological awareness, but depends on many factors, among which economic factors play an important role. Understanding the conditions of purchasing ecoproducts is crucial in the development of the organic food market. The aim of this study is, fi rstly, to identify the factors determining consumer behaviour on the market of organic products, with particular emphasis on economic factors. Secondly, establishing the relationship between the level of average monthly income per person and the number of people in the household. Undoubtedly, higher prices of organic products compared to their conventional counterparts and low income of consumers limit their purchase. The article contains the results of a survey carried out among respondents in the Lubuskie Voivodeship. The results of the study show that the higher willingness to pay results not only from the perceived quality of products, taste values, product composition, lifestyle, or fragrance values, but also from care for the natural environment and the health of both themselves and their relatives.

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How to Cite
Kułyk, P., & Michałowska, M. (2019). Price and readiness to pay for specific ecological products on the example of the inhabitants of the Lubuskie Voivodeship. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (125), 59–72.

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