Social policy implemented in rural municipality

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Kinga Gruziel
Mariusz Chądrzyński
Monika Wyszomirska

Keywords : social policy, “Family 500 ”, unemployment, activity in the labour market, birth rate, disposable income
Social policy primarily aims to minimise social problems, in particular the issues concerning income disparities amongst professional groups as well as regionally. One of the adopted objectives of the analysed policy is the financial support for households, including guaranteeing a sense of security, especially in terms of income. The subject of the study was to assess the effectiveness of social policy implemented in Poland on the example of a rural municipality. The study attempts to indicate the measurable effects of a social policy instrument implemented in Poland, specifically the “Family 500+” programme. The programme supports families by improving their financial situation. In addition, according to its creators, the objective of the programme is to increase the birth rate in Poland. The imperfections of the analysed social policy instrument are also noticeable. It negatively affects the employment situation in the country, particularly for women. However, in most cases, the “Family 500+” programme is positively rated by the beneficiaries. Based on the results of the conducted study, it cannot be concluded that the “Family 500+” programme contributes to the increase in the birth rate, while the costs of its implementation may contribute to limiting the cofinancing of other areas of life, ones that are desired by the society to the same degree (education, health care, public infrastructure).

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How to Cite
Gruziel, K., Chądrzyński, M., & Wyszomirska, M. (2019). Social policy implemented in rural municipality. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (126), 29–39.

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