Application of conjoint analysis in the study of the wine consumers’ preferences

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Ewa Wasilewska
Marcin Dudziński

Keywords : preferences analysis, consumer, conjoint analysis, wine
In our paper, the results concerning the research devoted to wine consumers’ preferences, obtained with the use of method called the conjoint analysis, are presented. The basis for measurements of such the preferences is the utility function that enables to assign numerical characteristics to each of available variates. The conjoint analysis is a survey-based multivariate statistical technique where respondent has different objects at the disposal, each of which is determined by the chosen set of relevant attributes, taking the given values (levels), in order to give some information about the total preferences regarding these objects. The objective of our work is to gain the knowledge about the wine consumers’ preferences and, in particular, to establish what factors are vital for them when purchasing wine. We conduct a questionnaire survey based on a sample consisting of 248 randomly chosen respondents, declaring wine consumption. The collected sample has been divided into the female and male groups, as well as into the three age categories (18–35 years, 36–55 years and 56 years or more). In our study, we have stated that the price of wine is the most decisive factor when it comes to selection of the preferred sort of wine. The wine dryness and its color turn out to be the second and the third most significant factors regarding this choice, while the sort of wine and the number of awarded prizes or accolades are the least important factors for buying the specific kind of wine.

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How to Cite
Wasilewska, E., & Dudziński, M. (2019). Application of conjoint analysis in the study of the wine consumers’ preferences. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (126), 53–68.

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