Changes in food self-suffi ciency of selected Asian countries

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Katarzyna Kita

Keywords : food self-suffi ciency, agri-food consumption, rice, ASEAN
The aim of the article is to discuss changes food self-sufficiency in ASEAN countries, defined as the proportion of domestic consumption to domestic production. With regard to rice, which due to historical, geographical and cultural conditions is the focus of the governments of all member countries in ASEAN, only in Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia the self-sufficiency rate exceeded 100%. In turn, in all Member States, production has met the needs of the internal markets in the field of sugar crops. Relatively biggest shortages of production were noticed for milk. An increase in the consumption of agri-food products of both vegetable origin and animal products was observed. But the consumption of the latter was more dynamic. The growing demand for products of animal origin is the result of rapid socio-economic development of ASEAN countries, followed by changes in the structure of food consumed towards patterns observed in developed countries.

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How to Cite
Kita, K. (2018). Changes in food self-suffi ciency of selected Asian countries. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (121), 55–70.

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