Prosumer as the active participant of marketing activities

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Agnieszka Baruk

Keywords : prosumer, prosumption, tender, marketing
The article is of theoretical-empirical nature. Chosen aspects of prosumers’ activities were presented. The growing meaning of prosumers as the participants of contemporary consumption market was underlined. Their segments were shown too. The three research aims were: to identify the readiness of respondents to engage in marketing activities; to identify the meaning of respondents’ readiness in the relation in the scope of their prosumeric behaviours; to prepare semantic profiles for respondents as the potential or actual prosumers. In the process of the realization of these aims, the following research hypothesis was verified: respondents’ attitude towards marketing activity determines the scope of their prosumeric behaviours. The Kruskal-Wallis test was used to primary data gathered by the author. Its applying allowed to state that the respondents’ readiness for taking part in marketing activities was factor differentiating their prosumeric behaviours. The research hypothesis was confirmed in the case of respondents.

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How to Cite
Baruk, A. (2017). Prosumer as the active participant of marketing activities. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (117), 123–136.

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