Knowledge and confidence in sustainable production certificates and the idea of corporate social responsibility from the point of view of young consumers

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Robert Nowacki
Katarzyna Wasilik

Keywords : corporate social responsibility, sustainable production and consumption, young consumers
Functioning under the conditions of sustainable development requires companies to take into account not only their own economic interests but also to pay attention to general economic and social issues, including sustainable consumption. The aim of the article is to analyze the relationship between the declared awareness and interest in corporate social responsibility (CSR) activities among young consumers and the familiarity with and trust in the certificates confirming adherence to sustainable production principles. The results of quantitative research conducted on a sample of consumers aged 19–35 form the basis for this discussion. The findings of the study indicate that the knowledge of the CSR concept is determined by the knowledge of the certificates and trust in them to a much greater degree than by the demographic and economic characteristics of young consumers.

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How to Cite
Nowacki, R., & Wasilik, K. (2017). Knowledge and confidence in sustainable production certificates and the idea of corporate social responsibility from the point of view of young consumers. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (118), 95–109.

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