Competitiveness of Polish cultivars of hazelnuts depending on their quality determined by physicochemical properties

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Magdalena Gantner
Eugenia Czernyszewicz
Klaudia Kopczyńska
Katarzyna Król

Keywords : hazelnuts, competitiveness, quality, roasting, water activity, texture, color
The aim of the study is to compare the quality of hazelnuts grown in Poland in opposition to imported ones, based on their changes in physicochemical properties depending on the roasting parameters. The plant material was two hazelnuts cultivars grown in Poland: ‘Olbrzym z Halle’ and ‘Cosford’. The samples were roasted at nine specific temperatures and time conditions: at 110°C, 130°C and 160°C, each at 15, 30 and 60 min. Parameters such as water activity, color of the inner (brown) skin of the husk and color of the pure kernel’s surface and hardness were investigated. The roasting process reduced water activity, decreased luminosity (L*) of kernel hazelnuts irrespective of cultivar and increased browning index (BI) value. The main parameter determining these changes was temperature. In addition, as the process temperature increased the hardness of the nuts and their structure became more fragile and delicate. Nuts of ‘Cosford’ cultivar were characterized by higher hardness compared to the nuts of ‘Olbrzym z Halle’ cultivar. The temperature of 130° for 30 min provided the best quality of the roasted nuts, regardless of the cultivar. Nuts of both cultivars, roasted in these parameters were characterized by comparable, high ease of removal of the brown inner skin. The selection of optimal parameters of technological process can improve the processing properties of Polish hazelnuts and, consequently, ensure their competitive advantage against nuts grown in other countries. This fact could increase both the chance of their export as well as the use in Polish confectionery production.

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How to Cite
Gantner, M., Czernyszewicz, E., Kopczyńska, K., & Król, K. (2017). Competitiveness of Polish cultivars of hazelnuts depending on their quality determined by physicochemical properties. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (118), 127–138.

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