Changes in the profitability of dairy farms associated in the European Dairy Farmers Association in Poland and selected European countries in 2006–2012

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Sylwia Małażewska
Edyta Gajos

Keywords : farmers’ income, milk production, economic results, EDF European Dairy Farmers
The aim of the article was to present the changes in the profitability of milk production in farms associated in EDF and situated in Poland and selected European countries in 2006–2012. It was found that after the Polish accession to the EU, the situation has improved for milk producers – economic and production results have risen. In 2008–2009, there was a significant deterioration in the profitability of milk production due to, among others, significant declines in milk prices. Since 2010, gradual improvement of the situation is observed. Similar changes occur in dairy farms in other European countries, such as Germany, France and the United Kingdom. This shows how big the interconnectedness between countries is and that the situation of agricultural producers in Poland does not depend only on the local and national market fluctuations, but primarily on fluctuations in the European and global markets.

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How to Cite
Małażewska, S., & Gajos, E. (2015). Changes in the profitability of dairy farms associated in the European Dairy Farmers Association in Poland and selected European countries in 2006–2012. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (111), 97–109.

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