Organic food attributes that determine consumer choices

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Mariola Grzybowska-Brzezińska
Małgorzata Grzywińska-Rąpca

Keywords : organic food, consumer behaviors, the attributes of organic food
The aim of the research was to identify factors influencing consumer perception of organic food quality. The research concerned the consumers’ assessment of certain attributes (technological and market ones) of organic food products. The surveys were carried out in 2005, 2010, and 2013 among the inhabitants of northeast Poland. The main technological attributes indicated by the respondents were the nutrition value of the food and highly valued way of its production, ensuring limited use of fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicals. In all analyzed periods the respondents valued sensory features of organic food, especially its natural taste. Market attributes of organic food that were identified during the study are the following: health values, place of purchase, producer’s logo, and price. Among the attributes of the organic products also their social features were presented.

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Grzybowska-Brzezińska, M., & Grzywińska-Rąpca, M. (2016). Organic food attributes that determine consumer choices. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (114), 57–68.

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