Assessment of information displayed on labels of packaged pork

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Małgorzata Kosicka-Gębska
Jerzy Gębski
Katarzyna Kwiecińska

Keywords : label, information, pork, consumer
Modern consumers are increasingly opting to buy pork in packaged form, for their own comfort and safety. Thorough knowledge of the product is derived from two sources. The first is the consumers’ own sensory evaluation of meat, mainly based on its color. The second is the label, on which manufacturer is obliged to provide basic, clear and understandable information about the product, according to the guidelines of the European Parliament of the Regulation (EU) No 1169/2011 of the October 25, 2011, applied in Poland since 13 December 2014. According to the results of quantitative survey conducted in 2012 on 1325 consumers of pork, for more than ½ of the total population the information on the label of packaged pork are barely visible (barely legible) and incomprehensible. Hence, consumers expect in the future concrete changes. First of all, posting in a visible place the information concerning the pork shelf life (29.1%), differentiating the font size (26.8%), and the information that the meat is free of any genetically modified components (19.4%).

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Kosicka-Gębska, M., Gębski, J., & Kwiecińska, K. (2016). Assessment of information displayed on labels of packaged pork. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (114), 143–155.

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