Asymmetric information as a cause of credit constraints in agriculture

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Ryszard Kata

The aim of this paper is to determine the impact of asymmetric information on creating credit constraints in agriculture. In this study used the results of empirical research farms and banks conducted in 2007–2009 in south-eastern Poland. The investigation showed that asymmetric information affects directly and indirectly (as a source of increased transaction costs, collateral requirements for agricultural loans, etc.) on the formation of credit constraints in agriculture. The problems associated with asymmetric information for farmers constitute an obstacle or barrier to access to credit, and increase the risk for banks lending to agriculture and constitute a premise for the rationing of agricultural loans

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How to Cite
Kata, R. (2011). Asymmetric information as a cause of credit constraints in agriculture. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (88), 127–140.

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