The systematic risk for the stocks from index WIG20 and the stock exchange trends

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Andrzej Karpio
Dorota Żebrowska-Suchodolska

Keywords : single-index model, beta coefficient, risk, systematic risk, specific risk.
In this paper authors try to answer the question: Do the statistical properties of the estimators of parameters for single-index model depend on stocks exchange trends? The period of five years was divided on two sub periods. Then single-index model was built for both periods using mean squares method for finding estimators of structural parameters. The authors performed the statistical verification of the models, also. In the end they made the decomposition of the stocks risk into two parts: systematic and specific and analyzed them for different trend on stock exchange. Only stocks from WIG20 are under consideration

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How to Cite
Karpio, A., & Żebrowska-Suchodolska, D. (2006). The systematic risk for the stocks from index WIG20 and the stock exchange trends. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (60), 139–149.

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