Sample applications of the robust estimation to financial time series

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Agnieszka Orwat

Keywords : outliers, influential observations, robust estimation, Welsch estimators
The assumptions which constitute the basis for parametric estimation techniques, relating to the normality of distribution of the population as well as independent variables, are often not fulfilled in the case of financial data. Therefore it is important to use robust estimation methods, both in terms of these assumptions and in terms of the quality of observations. The paper aims to implement the robust estimation to modelling the time series of the WIG20 index of the 15-minute frequency on 13 February 2006. The structural parameters of the model were estimated with the use of the Welsch estimators

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How to Cite
Orwat, A. (2006). Sample applications of the robust estimation to financial time series. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (60), 279–288.

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