Comparison of Tramo-Seats and Artficial Neural Networks for time series forecasting

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Tomasz Ząbkowski

Keywords : Tramo-Seats, artificial neural networks, forecasting, time series
The paper presents the methods for time series forecasting. The case was to forecast an airtime usage of telecom customers. The metods chosen for comparison were ARIMA based Tramo-Seats and artificial neural networks. The results obtained in practical experiment suggest using Tramo-Seats for short time forecasting in this specific problem

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How to Cite
Ząbkowski, T. (2006). Comparison of Tramo-Seats and Artficial Neural Networks for time series forecasting. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (60), 369–377.

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