Income Results in Holdings by Type of Farming in France, Germany and the United Kingdom

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Aldona Zawojska

According to an analysis findings there are substantial differences between average agricultural holdings of selected farming types both in economic size and amount of factors of production as well as in output and income results per holding, l ha of utilized agricultural area (UAA) and l annual work unit (AWU). There is evidence from three Member States of the European Union that the greatest disparities between extremities in these countries relate to labour input per 1 ha UAA, intermediate consumption per I ha UAA, output value per I ha UAA and agricultural income per ha UAA. When we study farm types, the most differentiated family farm income per family (unpaid) labour unit seems to be derived from cereal farms, the least one - from horticulture and dry stock farms.

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How to Cite
Zawojska, A. (1997). Income Results in Holdings by Type of Farming in France, Germany and the United Kingdom. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (30), 39–55.

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