Changes in Organisation and Economic Efficiency in Individual Farms on the LGOM Territory after Market Economy Adoption

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Teodor Nietupski
Hanna Adamska

The paper provides the results of the study on changes in individual farms situated in Legnica-Głogów Copper District in the period after market economy has been adopted. The region under investigation is high industrialised with attractive natural conditions for agricultural production. During 1989-1996 about 75 farms with size of 2-15 hectares divided into four groups according to area were examined. It appeared that average area of agricultural holdings did not change but farm labour force generally was decreasing with exception of labour resources in the smallest farms. Technical equipment level increased in all farms. In recent years. the share of grain area in the total sown area is rising while the share of protein plants, oilseeds and field feed crops is declining. As concerns the livestock numbers, in all selected groups of farms cattle numbers were drastically reduced while hogs numbers recovered. Entirely, fall in livestock numbers in surveyed farms was easier in comparison with this noted in an average individual farms in Poland. Analysed holdings reduced mineral fertilising by about 18 per cent while in Poland by 50 per cent respectively. Among others, thanks to this fact farm yields in farms under review were quite stable. Significant changes were observed both in revenues and spending, but particularly in personal incomes of the fanners. The share of income obtained outside fanning in total personal income sharply increased. Different alternatives for income earning in Copper District caused that operators of farms, mainly of small ones, do not treat longer their holdings as principal source of living. This phenomenon needs more careful watching.

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How to Cite
Nietupski, T., & Adamska, H. (1998). Changes in Organisation and Economic Efficiency in Individual Farms on the LGOM Territory after Market Economy Adoption. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (34), 59–74.

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