An Analysis of Preferential Credits Use in Agricultural Holdings Situated in Łobżenica Gmina

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Sławomir Jarka

This paper presents an analysis of preferential credits used in Łobżenica gmina, situatęd in middle-eastern part of Pilsko voivodship. Study was based on a survey of 82 farms constituting about 10 per cent of all agricultural holdings registered in gmina under consideration. However, conducted analysis can be treated as representative one neither for all farms in Pilsko voivodship nor in entire country. Nevertheless, obtained results indicate some tendency in applying of preferenti:al credits as well as their destination in the years 1996 and 1997. Findings based on the analysis allciw to state that in value of all credits taken during an analysed period, long-term liabilities destined for increasing farms' acreage and their modernisation constituted 91 per cent. On the contrary, short-term liabilities amounted to 9 per cent. It is worth to point out that 74 per cent of all debtors was represented by young farmers who were up to 40 years old. In the total number of investigated agricultural holdings used preferential investment credits, 75 per cent constituted farms with farmland area that was higher than average farm size in the gmina.

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How to Cite
Jarka, S. (1998). An Analysis of Preferential Credits Use in Agricultural Holdings Situated in Łobżenica Gmina. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (35), 57–70.

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