Changes of Students' Consciousness in Poland after Political Transformation and 13 Years Later

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Hanna Hamer


In this paper the Author compares the state of consciousness and emotions of Warsaw Agricultural University students of the years 1990 and 2003. After 13 years of political system transformation, the changes are quite annoying: the rising pessimism and the signs of acquired helplessness syndrome, the continuous high level of inflexible thinking, which is more due to the need of security rather than to the creative entrepreneurship. Cognitive egocentrism, as strong as in 1990, is followed by more frequent, strong and various emotional disorders, including depression. The new negative consequences, which appeared after 1990, include: overestimation of rational thinking while the level of emotional intelligence still stays low and the tendency to find the scapegoat and to aggressively fight against rivals at work. The fact that they express the willingness to take a job abroad can be interpreted as a tendency to flee the country but also means that they can speak foreign languages and do not lack courage. Among the authorities acting as a support, the alone who maintained its position is John Paul II. A surprising finding, in comparison with other research results is that the youth have strengthen their self-esteem, which, however, can be explained in terms of better education opportunities that they receive at the Warsaw Agricultural University. This can be assumed to be the just one hopeful result of the Author's research, which enables to make positive predictions about both the youth and the country itself.

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How to Cite
Hamer, H. (2003). Changes of Students’ Consciousness in Poland after Political Transformation and 13 Years Later. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (49), 103–110.

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