Kształtowanie się dochodów gospodarstw domowych rolników względem dochodów pozostałych grup

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Wacław Laskowski

Incomes earned by Polish individual farmers have been subject to specific fluctuations for entire post-war period. In the years 1980-1990 farmers' incomes were relatively high despite of the fact that it was the period of unclear economic policy towards an agriculture. In remaining periods they were 20 per cent or even above 20 per cent lower in comparison with incomes of employees' households. Tendency of low income level observed in last years among agricultural population is accompanied both by reducing share of income from agricultural activity and increasing proportion of social benefits in total income of agricultural households. Social payments (pensions, retirement benefits etc.) appear to compensate partly drastic loss in in come from farming. Additionally, we must take in to consideration that the farmer consumes sizeable portion of his income in kind (value of goods taken from the farm for consumption in household). No wonder economic situation of population whose exclusive or main source of maintenance is income from an individual farm seems not to be advantageous.

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Jak cytować
Laskowski, W. (1998). Kształtowanie się dochodów gospodarstw domowych rolników względem dochodów pozostałych grup. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (33), 69–78. https://doi.org/10.22630/EIOGZ.1998.33.22

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