The costs of agricultural tax assessment and collection on the example of rural communes (NUTS 5) of Opolskie region (NUTS 2)

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Kinga Gruziel

Keywords : agricultural tax, tax assessment, fiscalism
The paper presents research concerning costs of agricultural tax assessment and collection on the example of rural communes (NUTS 5) of Opolskie region (NUTS 2). The costs of the fiscal process were based on the costs of tax assessment and tax collection, as well as their relations to incomes from agricultural tax. In commune No 1. incomes from agricultural tax were approximately 3 times higher than in commune No 2. At the same time revenues for participating in the fiscal process in commune No 1. were lower by 4% to 35% in comparison to commune No 2. Obtaining 1 PLN of agricultural tax in commune No 1. cost about 0.03–0.07PLN, while in Commune No 2. it was as high as 0.5–0.8 PLN. The effectiveness of the fiscal process depended on the remunerations and other costs of tax assessment and collection, as well as on the level of incomes from agricultural tax and tax exemptions.

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How to Cite
Gruziel, K. (2015). The costs of agricultural tax assessment and collection on the example of rural communes (NUTS 5) of Opolskie region (NUTS 2). Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (110), 167–177.

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