Selected socio-demographic determinants of consumer attitudes towards food with reduced sugar content

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Katarzyna Staniewska
Danuta Jakubowska
Monika Radzymińska

Keywords : sugar, food choice, purchase decision, acceptance
The aim of this study was to determine the impact of socio-demographic variables on consumer attitudes towards food with a reduced sugar content. The study was conducted in educational institutions, a university and educational centers for seniors located in the Warmia-Mazury, using a survey research method, indirect technique (an original interview questionnaire). In total, 750 respondents were interviewed. The majority of respondents, regardless of socio-demographic characteristics, assesses the health benefits of the sugar content reduction as large and rather large. Despite this, a relatively small portion of respondents, varied by gender and age, used in their diets sugar substitutes and was interested in products with a reduced sugar content. According to the most of the respondents, lowering the sugar content of a product affects the deterioration of its flavor.

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How to Cite
Staniewska, K., Jakubowska, D., & Radzymińska, M. (2016). Selected socio-demographic determinants of consumer attitudes towards food with reduced sugar content. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (113), 145–157.

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