The evaluation of the results of changes in applying tax deductible expenses by artists, academic workers and journalists

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Marian Podstawka
Agnieszka Deresz

Keywords : personal income tax, 50% income costs, copyrights and related rights
The paper contains of evaluation of the results of changes in applying tax deductible expenses by artists, academic workers and journalists as copyrights and related rights-holders resulting from the limit of 42,764 PLN introduced on 1 January 2013. The research was based on: (i) the analysis of data from the Ministry of Finance regarding personal income tax settlement in 2012–2013, as well as the analysis of the data from POLTAX system from Urząd Skarbowy w Siedlcach (eng. Tax Office in Siedlce) regarding personal income tax settlement in 2012–2015 and (ii) the commentary of artists, academic workers and journalists regarding the abovementioned changes. The analysis indicated that changes in applying tax deductible revenues by the group of taxpayers in question hinders their revenues and has an anti-motivational influence on their professional activity.

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How to Cite
Podstawka, M., & Deresz, A. (2016). The evaluation of the results of changes in applying tax deductible expenses by artists, academic workers and journalists. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (115), 5–21.

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