The Application of Panel Data Model for Buffer Capital Research in Commercial Banks in Poland

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Monika Gładysz

Keywords : panel data model, buffer capital, commercial banks
Panel data is data set that combines cross sections and time series. In the study panel data model was applied for buffer capital research in commercial banks in Poland. Buffer capital was defined as a difference between banks solvency ratio and required solvency ratio divided by required solvency ratio. It has been stated that following factors influence the amount of buffer capital: level of buffer capital in previous period, lagged rate of GDP growth, current and lagged rate of the return on equity and rate of equity capital growth

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How to Cite
Gładysz, M. (2006). The Application of Panel Data Model for Buffer Capital Research in Commercial Banks in Poland. Zeszyty Naukowe SGGW - Ekonomika I Organizacja Gospodarki Żywnościowej, (60), 93–101.

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